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Republican competition of creative works dedicated to the Year of Quality

04/07/2024 09:01

 ≡ В Беларуси стартовал республиканский конкурс творческих работ, посвященный Году качества - все, что нужно знать | Пiнскi Веснiк

The Republican competition of creative works dedicated to the Year of Quality was established by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in connection with the announcement of 2024 as the Year of Quality in the Republic of Belarus in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 27, 2023 No. 375. The competition is held in order to increase the prestige of scientific activity and the quality of training national personnel, developing creative activity, promoting the professional growth of young scientists, stimulating interest in scientific creativity and attracting young people to science, forming in society responsibility for the results of their work and a sense of belonging to the future of the country.
The competition is held in 7 categories: “Physics, mathematics and computer science – the basis for high-quality processing, transmission, storage and protection of information”; “Physical and technical innovations to increase the competitiveness of domestic industries”; “Achievements in chemistry and environmental management - Year of Quality”; “Caring for natural resources and preserving biological diversity”; “Medical science is the basis of a high quality of life”; “Humanities – Year of Quality”; "Agricultural science - high quality agricultural products."
In each nomination, the Competition is held in three categories:
category 1 – schoolchildren and students;
category 2 – undergraduates, graduate students, young scientists (up to 35 years old as of January 1, 2024);
category 3 – academic, university and industrial scientists, teachers, creative people (over 35 years old as of January 1, 2024).
In each category, diplomas of I, II and III degrees are awarded.
Materials for nominating works for the competition, drawn up in accordance with the Regulations, are sent in one copy before October 1, 2024 to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus at the address: 220072, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 66. Application for participation in the competition in a text editor Microsoft Word is additionally sent to the email address in accordance with the nomination (the list of email addresses is specified in clause 14 of the Regulations).



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