Main // Economy // TRADE


Trade services to the population of the district as of January 1, 2022 are provided by 675 retail facilities of various forms of ownership (sales area 46.47 thousand sq.m.), of which 154 retail facilities with an area of 17.67 thousand sq.m. - Stolin District District (the share in the structure of the district’s retail area is 38.0%), 521 retail facilities with an area of 28.8 thousand sq.m. - small business and others.

In 2021, 45 new retail facilities with an area of more than 2 thousand sq.m. were opened in the area, of which: the ArkaTrade store in Stolin (Arka Trade LLC) with a retail area of 135.2 sq.m.; store “Little Things in Life”, D-Gorodok (IP Guscha M.P.) with a sales area of 343.2 sq.m.; store "Dar" ag. Olshany (IP Kunshtel I.V.) with a retail area of 82 sq.m.; the “Gifts of Nature” store of the Stolin Regional Pool in Stolin with a sales area of 44.0 sq.m.; store “Kopeechka” of JSC “Dobronom” in Stolin with a sales area of 105.9 sq.m.; store "Vatsak" LLC "KD Vatsak" in ag. Olshany retail area 44.1 sq.m.; store "Euroopt" LLC "EUROTORG" in ag. Olshany retail area 63.6 sq.m. and etc.

The social standard of trade services for providing the population of the district with retail space as of 01/01/2022 is met at the level of 661.0 sq.m. per 1 thousand people (if specified - 610.0 square meters).

Trade services for the population in rural settlements are provided by 271 retail facilities of various forms of ownership (trading area 19.38 thousand sq.m.), of which 104 retail facilities with an area of 10.07 thousand sq.m. - Stolin Regional Pool, 167 retail facilities with an area of 9.31 thousand sq.m. - small business and others.

Small settlements of the district (29 settlements) are served by two auto shops of the TUP “Stolinopttorg” of the Stolin district police station. These settlements are served according to service schedules for small settlements, agreed upon with local city councils.

Currently, on the territory of the Stolin district there are 7 property complexes (markets) intended for market trade with a total number of trading places - 1921 (1 clothing, 6 mixed).

Also in the district there are the following large-format retail facilities (sales area of more than 400 sq. m.) and shopping centers:

department store (Stolin, Lenin St., 6), supermarket No. 55 “Rodny Kut” (Stolin, Tereshkova St., 44), supermarket No. 14 “Rodny Kut” (Olshany, Shkolnaya St., 6) subordinate to the Stolin District Pool; supermarket "Santa-36" (Stolin, Sadovaya St., 44), supermarket "Santa-63" (ag. Olshany, Gagarina St., 48) and supermarket "Santa-70" (Rechitsa, st. microdistrict "Goryn", 47a) LLC "Santa Retail";

shopping center "Lilia" (Stolin, Sovetskaya St., 39), subordinate to IP Tsvirko L.N., with a retail area of 549.5 sq.m.;

shopping center "Lilia Mall" (Stolin, Sovetskaya St., 27), subordinate to IP Tsvirko A.A., with a retail area of 643.6 sq.m.;

shopping center "Chocolate" (Stolin, Tereshkova St., 48B), subordinate to IP Sechen N.V., with a retail area of 770 sq.m.

The volume of retail trade turnover through all sales channels in the region for January-December 2021 amounted to 254.5 million rubles, or 98.9% in comparable prices to the 2020 level.

A significant contribution to the development of the district's trading network is made by the Stolin District Consumer Society, which accounts for 31.9% of the retail turnover of trade organizations in the district (67.76 million rubles).

Currently, the Stolin Regional District (Stolin, Komsomolskaya Square, 5, contact tel. 8-01655-61744, 62494) includes: the trade unitary enterprise “Stolinopttorg” and 6 branches: “Gorkooptorg”, “David-Gorodoksky” ", "Olshansky", "Avtobaza", "Public catering" Stolin, "Stolinzagotpromtorg".

Public catering in the area as of 01/01/2022 is represented by 82 facilities with a total number of seats 6366, incl. 45 public network facilities with 2,131 seats.

The actual provision of the population with places in the public network of public catering establishments as of 01/01/2022 per 1,000 residents is 29.9 seats.

In 2021, the following new catering facilities opened in the area:

mini-cafe "Goryn" at the address: Stolin, st. Lenina, 7, for 20 seats (ChTUP “Yakut-nano”);

mini-cafe "Stagecoach" at the address: Khoromsk, st. Sovetskaya, 91, for 10 seats (IP Ermakevich A.S.);

mini-cafe “Varshavyanka” at the address: D-Gorodok, st. Sovetskaya, 18, for 12 seats (IP Vabishchevich V.G.);

mini-cafe "Shaurma" at the address: 0.3 km southeast of ag. Olshany, for 3 seats (IP Byba L.V.);

mini-cafe "Shaurma" at the address: ag. B. Maleshevo, st. Central, 27 (IP Berezovskaya E.V.);

mini-cafe "Shaurma" at the address: Stolin, st. Sovetskaya, 44 (IP Lemeza V.V.);

food truck at the address: Stolin, st. Sadovaya, 19 (IP Shabunko G.I.).
In order to develop public catering, the investment catalog of the Stolin district includes 2 investment proposals on possible options for organizing public catering facilities (children's cafe with a retail facility, a pizzeria with a retail facility, etc.), land plots located at the address: Stolin, st. Soviet; r.p. Rechitsa, st. Polesskaya.

In accordance with the general scheme for the development of roadside services, the construction of a food station is provided for on 111 km of the R-88 highway “Zhitkovichi-David-Gorodok-Ukrainian border”. A land plot with an area of 0.0375 hectares has been formed for holding auctions for the sale of the right to conclude a lease agreement for a land plot.


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